The Institute
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The Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF) performs research on the wave and particle characteristics of electromagnetic fields at all frequencies. Of particular interest are fields in the optical, the terahertz and microwave regime.
A strong focus is thereby on the use of electromagnetic fields for applications in the areas of
• High-speed optical communications (Tbit/s superchannel, silicon photonics, plasmonics)
• Wireless communications (THz communications, beam forming,...)
• Photonic and THz sensing
• Plasmonics (fast, tiny and most efficient photonics)
• Electromagnetics for medical applications
In practice, the IEF members work on theoretical aspects, perform numerical simulations, design, fabricate and characterize latest components. The institute has its own software library and maintains state-of-the art labs both at the ETH center as well as at the IBM Rüschlikon site.
An important aspect of the institute's philosophy are the frequent interactions and collaborations with leading companies and universities across the globe.