Past Events

January 2024

Metasurcae 2024

3rd Colloqium on the Physics and Applications of Metasurfaces

Date: 24.01.2024

The 3rd Colloqium on the Physics and Applications of Metasurfaces took place at the Campus of ETH ETH Hönggerberg (HIT E51, Wolfgang-​Pauli-Strasse 27) from 22.-25.01.24. Researchers from all over the world meet and present their newest results of the work on metasurfaces

Our chapter participated by organizing a fantastic workshop where we explored how a company operates. During this interactive session with professionals, we developed products, demonstrating the entire process from idea generation to market readiness.


16:30 – 16:40 Welcome & Introduction

16:40 – 17:10 Presentation by each professional about their careers and work

Sven Friedel (Managing Director, COMSOL)
Vasilis Theofylaktopoulos (Business Development & Sales Engineer, Heidelberg Instruments Nano)
Stephan Koch (Head of Sales, Polariton AG)

17:10 – 18:00: Workshop - Sell me this pen (from idea to market)

Developement of a product in a virutal company in three subcategories (R&D, project
managment, sales) under supervision of our guest speakers

18:00 – 19:00: Apero - Free drinks, cheers! :)


April 2023


IMEC Visit in Belgium

The EPFL and ETH optics chapter invite you to join us on a highly subsidized 3-day trip to IMEC in Belgium. The cost per person is 50 CHFs for PhDs and only 25 CHFs for students thanks to funding from IMEC and OPTICA, making it an excellent opportunity to network with your peers and meet leading researchers from the industry. 

Date: 23.03 - 25.03

Location: Leuven, Belgium

Thursday (23.03)

    10:00 – 17:00 Travel to Leuven by Bus 

    19:00 – 00:00 Organized Dinner by IMEC 

Friday (24.03)

    09:00 – 17:00 IMEC Visit

  • Introduction by Joe de Boek
  • Technical Talks about Quantum, Moore’s Law and Silicon Photonics (Kristian De Greve, Kurt Ronse, Paul Hermans and many more) 
  • Fab tour and characterization lab tour 
  • Invited lunch

    17:00 – 19:00 BREAK

    19:00 – Open End Dinner with Leuven Chapter (organized by IMEC)

Saturday (25.03)

    10:00 – 13:00 Sightseeing in Leuven

    13:00 – 20:00 Travel back to Zurich by Bus


March 2023

Barbara Buades

Optics and Drinks!

The role of optics&photonics in the industry and its job opportunities

We are looking forward to meeting you at our ‘Optics and Drinks’ event. We are so excited to present the seminar talk by Dr. Barbara Buades about job opportunities in Optics&Photonics. The seminar is open to all students and faculty members, and will be followed by an Apero (free drinks, cheers 😉).

Date: Wednesday, March 1st – 17:15
Location: HG Room E 42 – Zentrum


Since the discovery of the laser in 1960, photonics has vastly grown in number of applications, from autonomous diving, VR&AR and quantum technologies. Every day new engineers and researchers join our industry to apply light to the development of new technologies that will shape our future. In this seminar we will go through some of the most prominent optics & photonics applications and discover what professional roles are needed in the industry to make this growth successful. 

Dr. Barbara Buades, the CEO of MEETOPTICS, holds a PhD in Ultrafast Optics from ICFO (Barcelona), with a bachelor in Physicist and a Master in Optics and Photonics from Imperial College Longon. After finishing her PhD she started the company MEETOPTICS. MEETOPTICS has developed the first AI-powered Optics&Photonics Search to help engineers and researchers easily find and compare Optics, Light Sources, Optomechanics, Fibers... from trusted manufacturers in our industry. Since 2022, Barbara is a OPTICA ambassador and has a large experience/network in the scientific and industrial community.  

December 2022


Join us for Optics and Drinks!

Ursula Keller & her successful career

We are looking forward to meeting you at our ‘Optics and Drinks’ event. We are so excited to present the seminar talk by Prof. Ursula Keller on her successful career!

The seminar is open to all students and faculty members, and will be followed by an Apero (free drinks, cheers 😉).

Date: Wednesday, December 7th – 17:30
Location: HCI Room E 8 – Hönggerberg

Bio: Ursula Keller was appointed an Associate Professor in March 1993 and in October 1997 she became a Full Professor in the Physics Department at ETH Zurich. Her research interests are exploring and pushing the frontiers in ultrafast science and technology. She invented the semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) which enabled passive modelocking of diode-pumped solid-state lasers and established ultrafast solid-state lasers for science and industrial applications. Pushed the frontier of few-cycle pulse generation and full electric field control at petahertz frequencies. Pioneered frequency comb stabilization from modelocked lasers, which was also noted by the Nobel committee for Physics in 2005. In time-resolved attosecond metrology she invented the attoclock which resolved the electron tunneling delay and observed the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in condensed matter for the first time. The physics professor Ursula Keller has received the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist for her pioneering work in ultrafast lasers.

ECOC 2022: IONS Event!

IONS+ Supercharge Your Conference Experience

As ETH Zurich and EPFL Optics student chapters have been working on IONS+, a student event to elevate your conference experience during ECOC 2022.

IONS+ is an event from students for students. We envisioned this event to revolve around student networking and seminars to guide us through our PhDs. The flagship event will be a panel discussion themed “What can I do after my PhD?” with select speakers from the industry and academia. This will be followed by a presentation workshop given by TEDx Speaker tutor Magda Kern. Also, the event is sponsored by Optica Foundation, so it is entirely free! Check out the full program below.

You can also participate in the “Optics in Micro- and Macroscale” photo contest. During this contest, we can celebrate our hard work in optics by presenting them with an artistic twist. You can make a submission with few easy steps and top ranked submissions will receive prizes! You can find more details regarding the contest in our external page webpage or make a submission.

Date: 18.09.2022, 09:00 – 17:45
Location: Room Kairo, Congress Center Basel

09:00 – 10:15: Welcome & Introduction
10:15 – 11:30: Image Contest & Networking
11:30 – 13:30: Lunch (organised)
13:30 – 15:30: What Can I Do After My PhD? Inputs from Successful People
                          Cristina Benea-Chelmus, Assistant Professor, EPFL, Switzerland
                          Christian Haffner, Group Leader, imec, Belgium
                          Niels Quack, Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Australia
                          Claudia Hoessbacher, CEO, Polariton Technologies Ltd., Switzerland
                          Fabio Bottoni, Optical Hardware Engineer, Cisco, Italy
15:30 – 17:30: Pimp your Presentation! – Workshop
                          Magda Kern-Fialkowska, Head of Speakers, TEDxZurich, Switzerland
17:30 – 17:45: Award Ceremony