New modulator for less energy consumption

To bring down the energy consumption of today’s communication infrastructure, researchers from the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields developed a new component that efficiently transforms electrical data into optical light signals consuming extremely little energy. This new technology, described in a paper recently published in Nature Communications, can be used to transfer ever-growing amounts of information between cities, datacenters and even continents.
500 GHz Technology from IEF: Featured Article in APL Photonics
The article from our group (Maurizio Burla et. al.) 500 GHz plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator enabling sub-THz microwave photonics - featuring the fastest Mach-Zehnder modulator to date - has been published online today, 30 May 2019, in APL Photonics (Vol.4, Issue 5). It has been selected as one of the journal’s best and highlighted as "Featured Article" on the main APL Photonics page.