Summer Schools
Summer School on Optical Communication
The Summer School on Optical Communication features keynote speakers across the full value chain in optical communication from photonic integrated circuits to fibre and wireless optical networks. It is a unique opportunity to meet and connect with leading experts from academia and industry. Grab this chance and make a leap forward in your career!
The Summer School takes place in lecture hall HG E 1.2 in the main building of ETH Zurich at Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland from 10 to 12 September 2024.
Feel free to contact us in case you have questions.
Recordings of the majority of talks are available here.

The Summer School thanks the support from the EC Horizon Europe projects ALLEGRO (101092766), FLEX-SCALE (101096909) and PROTEUS-6G (101139134), and the sponsorship by Swissphotonics.