A modulator developed by researchers from ETH Zurich has broken the terahertz mark. The ultrafast component efficiently transmits large volumes of data into the fibre-optic network in a short space of time.
Optica (formerly OSA), the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in in the science of light, awards Prof. Juerg Leuthold the 2025 Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize. Prof. Leuthold, head of the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF), is honored for pioneering plasmonics based devices and in particular developing broadband modulators and detectors with highest bandwidths.
The Emil Wolf prize recognizes the innovation, research and presentation excellence of students presenting their work during Frontiers in Optics (FiO). Her name has been added to the list of Emil Wolf prize winners! Her paper presents an amplifier-free on-chip antenna-integrated plasmonic modulator receiver in sub-THz regime. A framework for designing plasmonic antennas and transmission of up to 80Gbit/s in a wireless sub-THz link starring these receivers are shown. Our sincere congratulations!